Staring at this blank page, I first stretch my arms, flex my fingers and take a deep breath of relief. This is now my place to post all of my reflections on life, friendship and family. One of the basic exercises used in therapy sessions is journaling. I have never agreed with a tactic more, but I also think reading about others going through similar situations and seeing how they handle it, is equally therapeutic. I'd like to think my 6 months of therapy sessions have dubbed me an honorary therapist worthy of your full attention and, of course, respect, but my ego is a smaller healthier size. Instead, I hope that I can find a community of other opinionated, independent and passionate friends to share my story with.
I have been writing my life reflections for a few years now. They started on a similar blog platform where my only followers were my mother, sister, best friend and maybe two other random people. Captivating audience huh? From there I transitioned into writing on my MySpace page (you know, the year and a half that was cool). Next came the inevitable move to Facebook. At that point, you could only have a Facebook page with a school email address so my audience was just friends, and only ones in school. I had quite a bit of freedom to write about whatever I wanted, but didn't really take advantage of it. Little by little though, my friend list skyrocketed and now I have just as many posts in the draft folder as the published due to the filter I had to place on the subject matter. Before your mind even begins to drift to the not so morally sound side, I mean subject matter that is too honest, too true to life. Posts that involve family and friends that I'm sure would not like our conflict reflected on in such a public forum. So here I am. An anonymous writer talking about non specific relationships that none of my friends or family follow! This is the perfect forum now! I feel like I've been a Great Dane stuck in a English Bulldog's crate. The door is open and I fully intend to say everything I want to say.
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