Monday, March 26, 2012

A Bunch of What Makes Me, ME!

When a man says he will call and doesn't, I'll always want to think it's no big deal, but will really know that if he can forget to call, then I am forgettable.

I will always carefully craft my criticisms towards those I love to be gentle and nonthreatening, even if they don't take the same care for me.

Even if I am not dating anyone on Valentine's Day, I will always hope for flowers and a note from a secret admirer.

No matter how interesting and compelling I think I am, I will always be jealous when a man I like, pays attention to a skinner woman.

Hallmark commercials with returning soldiers around Christmas time will always make me cry.

Nothing makes me feel more safe than the embrace of a strong man.

Every time I walk to my car  I will always secretly hope there is a note left on my windshield.

It will always be slightly hard for me to relate to people that don't drink.

I will continue to be friends with people that I know in my heart don't need my friendship just in case one day they do. 

I will always hope that Karma is real.

The song "Movin' On" by Rascal Flatts will always remind me of how I felt when I moved to Tennessee.

Sniffling, slurping and snoring will always have the potential to send me into a fit of rage. 

Sunflowers will always be the way to my heart....and Jack Russell puppies. 

I will never understand how my father could walk away from his three girls and I pray everyday my children will never know what that feels like.

People that call themselves Adele fans but only jumped on the bandwagon after "21" went platinum pretty much piss me off.

I will always believe in my soul mate.

I will always want fries as my side item though I hope to have the strength to ask for broccoli. 

There will always be parts of me that I am ashamed of and pray to still be loved for.

Nothing makes me feel better than making someone else's day.

I will always be more attracted to a man who is a sarcastic asshole to the world but a sensitive romantic to his lover

It will always be easier for me to stand up for others than myself.

I will always seek my sisters' approval no matter how old I get.

I will always underline the perfect words on a birthday card that reflect my true feelings before mailing it.

When I hear a song I really like, I will always look back in my relationship history for the guy who most fits that song. 

I will always be a bad speller and use horrible punctuation.

A strong man who is happy to do everything for me but knows I can do it myself is a gift from God. 

I will always be a teacher and a musician at heart and hope to return to them both one day.

During the week of my birthday, I walk into every room secretly hoping it's a huge surprise party.

I will always have short stubby nails (unless they are fake).

I have always worried that my fear of settling will turn into me never choosing at all.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I found your blog through my guest post on! Your last post (the first of MANY I will read) I just read REALLY spoke to me! I always relate songs to past relationships, I find it hard to relate to people that don't drink and I ALWAYS am secretly hoping for a surprise birthday party even though I always plan my own haha! You're an excellent writer and I can tell that you write from your heart. Keep it up! I'm a fan :-)
